Jefferson Nascimento DevFolio

Turning pizza + caffeine into code!

Github Search

Github Search

A tool that integrates with Github API to fetch user data. It was built using React 16 with ES6 and Sass preprocessor.


React.js Calculator

React.js Calculator

Front-end project built as part of the FreeCodeCamp's Advanced Projects and made using React.js Framework with ES6, Jade and Sass preprocessors and Flex grid


Twitch.TV Streams

Twitch TV Streams

Project built for the FreeCodeCamp Fron-end Certification, using Twitch API, Boostrap 4, Font-awesome, jQuery, Axios HTTP Client and Pace for load bar


Wikipedia Viewer

Wikipedia Viewer

Project built as part of the FreeCodeCamp Fron-end Certification. It was made using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Wikipedia Opensearch API, Boostrap-Materialize and jQuery


Local Weather App

Local Weather App

Front-end project built for the FreeCodeCamp certification, using OpenWeather API, IP-API, Materialize, WeatherIcons and Font-awesome.


Game of Thrones Quotes

Game of Thrones Quotes

Front-end project built for the FreeCodeCamp certification, using game-of-trones-quotes API, Axios HTTP Client, jQuery and Font-awesome.


Tribute on Codepen

Tribute for Mokiti Okada

Project built for the FreeCodeCamp course. It's a tribute for Mokiti Okada, known as Meishu-Sama and founder of the World Messianic Church.


Would you like to send me a message? Contact-me!

Jefferson Nascimento

Brazillian, 24, second year System Analysis student based on Praia Grande, São Paulo. Passionate for technology, wishes to use it to transform people's life and change their realities. Currently learning Web Tecnologies like PHP, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript (and its ecosystem) and Java.